Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Hi There,

this is just a note to let you all know I changed the settings on the comments.

I guess I had it set wrong and some people could not leave comments.

It should be fixed now.

Mary Jo.


Anonymous said...

You are beautiful and great and your blog is really good.

I love being able to try all these great recipes

I love you,

Kelsie said...

Thank you very much for visiting my blog!
I'm glad you enjoy baking and I wish you many sweet treats in the future!

2nd Cup of Coffee said...

Mary Jo, thanks for visitng 2nd cup and leaving a comment. However, it is mainly a big ol' blog of silly, so don't think you'll find a lot of depth there! Only occasionally! I am glad I found your beautiful site and beautiful reason for posting. You are an amazing woman. I had a chance to visit an orphanage in Kazakhstan a few years ago, and what hurt so much was seeing the tiny metal locker at the foot of each bed that contained that child's entire worldly possessions, and even those had some of their metal doors off the hinges and swinging. It broke my heart. God bless you as you live a life poured out for others.

Mary Jo said...

I love a whole bunch of silly!

I think I crave it and your blog was quite refreshing.

Life offers enough serious stuff so I welcome a group of Christian women that can be silly and have fun...

I might hang out there quite a bit because you are a fun writer and I love to laugh and love people who are real.